IIMSR’s Al-Noor Hospital’s
Infrastructure & Services
An air conditioned auditorium with audio visual facility is present in the college campus; blood purchased from various blood banks is stopped for fear of contamination of hepatitis and HIV disease. Steps are being initiated to hold blood donation camps at various places to encourage donors for blood donation. While involving in the developments and improvements in the hospital, authorities have taken care of our employees in every possible manner such as:
- a) Hospital Development Committee was started in the year 1998 with an objective to develop hospital functioning. For this a 6 man committee was constituted.
- b) Constitution of joint council of hospital staff advisory committee consists of
Two representatives from each of the categories of Class-IV, Class-III, Ministerial Staff, Nurses, Junior Doctors, and Senior faculties Periodical meetings are held in which various hospital problems arising out of their services are sorted out and solutions are agreed.
Beds are allocated for the benefit of hospital employees and their families. Necessary medicines are provided to the employees and their dependent family members. A separate cell has been created under the charge of R.M.O. so that all necessary formalities are completed by the day the employee attains superannuation by initiating measures 6 months in advance. The delay of any sort at the hospital level is taken away. All class-IV employees have been provided with identification cards and pass books giving all the details of service particulars free of cost. Top priority is given for keeping the hospital premises clean. Chewing and spitting pan is banned. Now steps are being initiated to privatize the sanitation activity. To render proper care to the sick and maintain ideal hospital atmosphere, the entry of attendants has been strictly regulated by adhering to hospital visiting hours. Between 4.00 p.m and 6.00 p.m. and children below 12 years are not allowed at any time. This has been made possible by the introduction of hospital security system. Complaint boxes have been put at various points in the hospital. The complaints are collected every week and attended to immediately. Punitive measures have been taken against the erring employees of all categories whenever it was brought to their notice. Punctuality is insisted upon strictly and thereby instilling a sense of discipline.
All the staff of Indian Institute of Medical science and Research and Noor charitable hospital general hospital is firmly and resolutely committed to do all the necessary efforts to safeguard the patients health

Obstetrics & Gynecology
Antenatal Care, Postnatal care, Infertility Treatment and Gynecology Surgeries.

Neonatoal & Paediatric I.C.U
Incubator, Warmer, Phototherapy and Ventilator.

Critical Care Unit
IFT, Muscle Stimulation, Traction, Short wave Therapy, Wax Bathand Weight reduction.

Minimally Invasive Surgeries
Lap-Choly, Appendix, Hysterectomy, Lap-Urology and Diagnostic Laparoscopy.

Diagnostic Specialties
Endoscopy, Gastroscopy, Bronchoscopy Video Color Doppler, Ultrasound Scanner, X-Ray and Computerized E.C.G.

Auto Lab, ELISA Reader, Q.B.C., Pathology, Histopathological studies, ABG., Electrolyte Analyzers ,Blood Bank. Blood gas analyzer, electron microscope.

An innovative method of Counseling and Brain wave therapy which is an integration of mind and body into holistic therapeutic technique of Homeostasis Reality Therapy.

Haemo Dialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis.

IFT, Muscle Stimulation, Traction, Short wave Therapy, Wax Bathand Weight reduction.

Orthopedic Surgeries, Urology and Cardiac Pacing.

Community Health
Domiciliary Care, MCH Programme, Health Education and Free Medical Camp.

Urban Health Centre
Health Survey, Mahila Groups and National Health Programme.

Nursing Education
MPHW (F) Training, Diploma in Nursing & Midwifery, B.Sc.Nursing, C.G.F.N.S. Programme, Basic Computer education, Home Care Nursing and Hospital Aids.

Round the Clock Serves
Ambulances, All emergencies, Trauma & Accidents Critical Care Services Lab. Services, E.G.G., X-Ray, Blood Bank, Emergency Dialysis & Pharmacy, Poisoning Cases.

Medical Specialties
General Medicine, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Pulmonology, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Anesthesia, Emergency Medicine.

Surgical Specialties
General Surgery, OBG &Gynaecology, Trauma, Orthopedic, Urology, Surgical Gastroenterology, PlasticSurgery, Burns, E.N.T., Ophthalmology, Paediatric Surgery , Nephrology, PediatricSurgery, ENT (Head & Neck), TB and Chest, Dermatology, Rheumatology, PlasticSurgery, Joint Replacement, Nephrology & Dialysis, Dentistry, Diabetology, Radiology, Pathology.
Other Departments
General services, Diagnostic imaging, Anaesthesia,Emergency, Physiotherapy, Transfusion medicine & Immuno, Haematology, Dental, Labs, Medical camps steps are being initiated to improve superspeciality departments by increasing diagnostic services through the purchase of equipment as mentioned

Echo Cardiogram, Treadmill, Holter Monitor have been
procured to augment and improve diagnostic services.

EEG and EMG Machines have been made available.

Ultra sound machine and heamo dialysis has been added.