About Founder Chairman

Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Mohammed Vastanvi
Founder Chairman, JIIU’s Indian Institute of Medical Science & Research
All regions and countries can benefit from progress toward a knowledge-based economy, which does not depend heavily on material resources, places less of a burden on ecosystems and is more sustainable than other economic models. By shifting to a knowledge-based economy, societies can move from the age of scarcity to the age of abundance. Knowledge does not deplete with use but rather increases as it is shared among people. Through technological innovation, we can help usher in a more sustainable future…” Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General, 24 April 2014
Every day we see the global order moving towards a knowledge-based society. Education is paramount. The quest for excellence is never ending. Excellence rides on good quality education. Here at our Jamia Akkalkuwa, an educational institution that I founded in 1979 in a very rural and remote and predominantly tribal area in the state of Maharashtra in India, we try our best to foster education. However we are not content with just providing regular learning… I believe, it is our responsibility to impart knowledge that that also contributes to the students personality development and imbibes a humanistic perspective. We try to instill moral values and an outlook that is secular and truth-seeking . In our modern society’s relentless pursuit of profit, we have put humanitarian values on hold and sometimes forget them. At Jamia, we stand committed to working with the Poor, with Minorities and Tribal’s. Girls education is also a high priority. We are a non-profit institution but we have fortunately many community sponsors who support us and this enables us to charge very low tuition and provide free tuition to all those who cannot afford it.
All our colleges are accredited institutions recognized by the State govts. They include professional colleges like Engineering, Medicine, Education, Pharmacy as well Vocational centers like ITI and Polytechnic. We have 84 primary, secondary and High schools spread in 16 states of India … mostly in rural locations. There are many girls schools, including residential ones. The total strength exceeds 200,000. We are working on the spread of Education through Internet means, so we can reach out to many places and serve the people in the region.
We maintain an excellent rapport with the education officials of the Indian Govt. and maintain an outstanding record of compliance. Our work has also drawn strength from patrons in Kuwait and Turkey.
Part of our charity services include Relief work, free treatment at Hospitals, digging bore wells and providing free school supplies.
I pray to God that He allows me to continue this work and I seek His blessings.
Most sincerely
Ghulam Muhammad Vastanvi, Founder Chairman